Find out what some of our students have to say about the LEAP programme in Humanitarian Practice.

Student Testimonial

When I started my work with MSF I was from a pure medical background. I was eager to grow my knowledge in science, politics, sociology and economics so that I can achieve my dream to become a leader, and this course will help me to achieve my ambitions.
Shroq Saeed, MSF Medical Doctor ā€“ Yemen

Student Testimonial

Iā€™m a nursing team supervisor which means I coordinate the activities of nurses within the project. By the virtue of my position, my team look up to me for solutions. I believe that the LEAP programme is one of the platforms that can equip me with the knowledge and skills to help me support the team members to resolve the day-to-day needs of our project.
Godfrey Shaibu, MSF Nursing Team Supervisor ā€“ Nigeria

Student Testimonial

I would really recommend the LEAP programme to anybody that wants to open up their mind. The main thing that it has provided, is the opportunity to step outside of your bubble, outside of your work, and look around you to see what else is out there in terms of knowledge in terms of research in terms of the way you look at things.
Maaike Heersevoot, MSF Project Coordinator - Iraq