As a Master’s student you will need to complete 180 academic credits. You will study:

  • four core modules (60 credits),
  • a selection of optional modules (60 credits),
  • and submit a dissertation (60 credits).


Core modules

  • Critical approach to management of humanitarian operations (15 credits)
    This module will focus on humanitarian practice and management expertise in complex operational contexts.
  • Critical approach to evidence (15 credits)
    This is a basic knowledge and skills module for academic literacy in diverse scholarly literature, and qualitative and quantitative data in the humanitarian setting.
  • History of Humanitarian Aid (15 credits)
    This module provides critical understanding on modern humanitarianism and complex issues arising from modern humanitarian movement during times and in sites of crisis and conflict.
  • Research into practice (15 credits)
    This module covers research methods that support you to conduct independent research. It is designed to prepare you for MSc dissertation.
    All core modules are delivered in a blended way (mix of online and face to face teaching).


Optional modules:

In addition to core modules, you will choose 60 credits worth of optional modules (each of 10, 15 or 20 credits).
You can find a full list of modules and their details in here.
The optional module offering is based on the current academic schedule for 2019/20 and is subject to change in future academic years.



To complete a master’s degree you will do a dissertation (60 credits). Although this can be done remotely, you will need to dedicate 600 hours of study to complete your dissertation.

See the Course Handbook for example pathways.